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Title : First Farmer in Space

Pages : 303

Genre : Sci-Fi / Fictional History

Published : 04/27/2016

Publisher(s) : Amazon



Rated : All ages

Content : Humor / Use of Alcohol

Theme : Space / Farm / First man in space

Language(s) : English

Story Summary

One day, Yezh; a farmer who lived in poverty in a rural location called Leninsk, invented a ship that would fly in space. Strange misfortune hit him to impede his dreams of walking on the moon someday. Fearful of dangers, he sent his dog into space as a test subject. The dog's return taught him the way to the stars, Yezh decided to take a flight of his own into the wonders of the sky. Though, his neighbor, who bore jealousy towards him, attempted to steal his glory in a space race. The showdown has yet to happen that would prove the entire village which farmer truly is the best. Would Yezh prevail over his rival neighbor and earn his title of first farmer in space that would make him a legend?

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