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Title : First Farmer on the Moon

Pages : 261

Genre : Sci-Fi / Fictional History

Published : 05/23/2016

Publisher(s): Amazon

Rated : Age 10+

Content : Violence

Themes : Moon / Cold war / Aliens

Language(s) : English

Story Summary

The Soviet Union was about to launch his first man on the moon. A young Japanese reporter got assigned with a special assignment--to document the man's first steps on the moon. She embarked on a mission to tell the world about the spaceflight by assisting the Russians in their spaceflights. Unknowingly, the United States of America declared a space race with the Soviet Union, and the race to plant the flag on Mons Pyrenaeus was set on a stage where the environment wasn't friendly. Upon landing on the moon, unusual things began to happen. The terror on the bald mountain was in its typical definition when they saw mysterious creatures from outer space known as Virusoids descending down to torment the glorious day of humanity, which was soon to turn into a disaster.

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