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What makes Phoenix's books unique is that they all have ratings. It is what describes what a book is all about. It contains the target age of the audience, the genre, the content and themes the book covers. Such info are located in the white box usually located on the low right side of back covers. So check out those valuable information whenever you can!

Target age of the audience

Not all stories are appropriate for a specific range of age. The section below are the range of age.


  • Early Childhood: Suitable for 0 - 4.

  • Childhood: Suitable for 5 - 12 and schoolers.

  • Teen: Suitable for 13 - 17. May contain mild violence or moderate violence, sexual themes,

  • Mature: Suitable for 17+. May contain moderate violence, sexual themes, sexual content in text, sexual graphics, reference to alcohol and drugs.

  • Adult: Suitable for age of 18+. May contain extreme violence, sexual content in text, sexual graphics, sexual behavior, reference to alcohol and drugs, use of drugs.

  • All Ages: The book is suitable for all people.


Stories takes in various shapes. There are many categories of books but below are listed only but a few. However, much like the audience themselves, Phoenix may not touch all of the genres.

  • Action and Adventure: Contains extreme action and perilous path taken by characters where the environment is emphasized in description.

  • Biography: A biography of a living or dead person.

  • Children's literature: A strong relation to fairytales but doesn't necessarily coincide with it. Suitable and enjoyable by children.

  • Comic Book:

  • Drama:

  • Fairytale: related to folklore or myth.

  • Fantasy: Considered the next level of fiction, it deviates from realism with the use of magic, monsters in a unreal world.

  • Fiction: Not related to the real world or to history.

  • Fictional History: A history twisted into fiction. commonly used for alternative history.

  • High Fantasy:

  • History:

  • Horror:

  • Literary Nonsense:

  • Poetry:

  • Religion:

  • Romance:

  • Sci-fi:

  • Sexuality:

  • Sexual Fairytale:

  • Sexual Fantasy:


Since there are various ways of storytelling, some people might be easily offended. That is when the content evaluator comes in the ratings.

  • Blood and Gore: Contains blood or mutilated body parts in graphics.

  • Fantasy: Contains fantasy. May contain graphics.

  • Horror: Contains frightening graphics.

  • Humor: Contains humor.

  • Nudity: Contains nude characters in graphics.

  • Sexual Graphic: Contains sexual graphic where characters are engaged in sexual activities or behaviors.

  • Sexual Theme: Contains references to sexuality either textual or graphical. Also known as Mild sexuality.

  • Sexual Writing: Contains sexual content in textual format only. May contain characters performing sexual activities and adopting sexual behavior.

  • Strong Language: Contains vulgar language.

  • Use of Alcohol: Contains use of alcohol by characters.

  • Use of Drugs: Contains use of drugs by characters.

  • Violence: Contains violence where characters are engaged in conflicts.


Like the meaning of the word, a story can cover various topics. What is better for a reader to know what he is about to read? This section shows the reader what the book talks about. Here are some that Phoenix uses the most and some few others that he may never touch.

  • Aliens

  • Cold War

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Ghost

  • Moon

  • Myth

  • Native culture

  • Nature

  • Orphanage

  • Politics

  • Sexuality

  • Space Race

  • Vampires

  • War

  • Dreams

  • Fantasy World

  • Futurism

  • Gangsterism

  • Pirates

  • Zodiac

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